Project Accountant - TAHA


Company Description

Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA) is an apex private sector member based organization mandated to develop and promote horticultural crops (flowers, fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs and horticultural seeds) in Tanzania. TAHA's goal is to improve the growth and competitiveness of horticultural industry in the country for social and economic gains, TAHA is a strong voicing platform, representing farmers at all levels, processors, exporters and service providers In the horticultural industry in Tanzania TAHA is looking for motivated and highly experienced individuals to fill the following positions:

Duty Station: Arusha

Main Duties and Responsibilities

  1. Ensuring proper filing of TAHA financial records.
  2. Prepare invoices for membership subscription fees and updating membership data base.
  3. Assist the Finance Manager to prepare project reports in conformity with project agreements.
  4. Assist the Finance Manager to perform monthly bank reconciliation for all TAHA accounts.
  5. Ensuring all TAHA transactions are recorded and maintained in the accounting software.
  6. Assist the Finance Manager in developing, maintaining and analyzing budgets
  7. Prepare the Association's monthly statutory requirements
  8. Advise the Finance Manager on the Association financial position and future plans
  9. Assist the Finance Manager 1n financial audit preparation and coordinating the audit process.
  10. Assist the Finance Manager to advice on insurance schemes for TAHA properties.
  11. Assist the Finance Manager to develop and implement best accounting principles.
  12. Assist the Finance Manager to maintain and update fixed asset register
  13. Any other duty as assigned by the Finance Manager /supervisors.


Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Finance or any related field with a minimum of 4 years work experience in Donor funded projects. Must have a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

Application Procedure

Interested and suitably qualified individuals should send their applications enclosing detailed Curriculum vitae, photocopies of academic certificate and salary history to the following:

Human Resource and Administration Officer,
Tanzania Horticultural Association
P.0.Box 16520,


Submission deadline is Friday 10th February, 2017.


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